Log Book
- The thumbnails attachment on the log book are loaded gradually
- It's possible to tag an user who is contact in the project in note for log book
- Adding a new permission access for Supplier contact
- It's a possible to retrieve the list Purchase order from new endpoint (Get Purchase order)
- The baseline planned effort is visible in the column Baseline planned effort in scheduler diagram view
- All functionality from List view of Scheduler are present in the diagram view of scheduler
- A new constraint ( Must Start on ) is present in Dependencies section for Tasks
- The revised date of parents tasks inherit from the children task revised or planned dates
- The custom field CF remains checked after changing tabs in Scheduler Item
Project Request
- Improvement in Weighted Score Calculation
- The Weighted Score is visible in column name Total weighed rating Project Request list page
- It's possible to sort all the column in Project Request list page
- The field Evaluation is visible in the section Priorization in the project details page
- The Value of Linked project field under Section Links in Project details page is visible when user mouse hover on the field
- The global project filter change according to project entity
- The remaining revised effort field is hidden for the task where the user is not a resource
Cost Summary
- The table in Summary Cost list page is re-sizing correctly when the screen size change
Contractual Changes
- The reference of duplicate contract modification is different from the original contract modification
- The payable amount from Payment request with contractual holdback is the same that the payment amount in the invoice when user import the payment request
- It's possible to enter decimals values in Quantity fields in Proposals details page
Lesson Learned
- It's possible to sort all columns in lesson learned list page
- The status of risks is saved in map view when user drag and drop from a status column to another.
Report List
- Adding new report po3
- Improvement of Project3 report
Login / SSO
- Adding username in login logs
- Introduction of functionality Ask AI function in text fields.
Financing Allowed
- The value of the checkbox "Reserved for this year only" remains check after a refresh of page financing allowed
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