Report | Description | Last Update | File | Plan |
Bid Comparison |
Compare bids from several suppliers on the same project. |
2024-07-29 | Submission comparison V3.0.xls |
Advanced Enterprise |
Budget |
Extracts all budget information from a budget version into an Excel file. |
2024-12-23 | Budget V1.0.xlsm |
Essentials Advanced Enterprise |
Cost Summary with Taxes |
Extracts the contents of the Cost Summary screen into an Excel file, which also allows you to select one of the tax groups to be displayed. |
2024-07-18 | Cost summary with taxes V3.1.xlsm |
Essentials Advanced Enterprise |
Contractual Modification |
Extracts the list of contractual changes associated to project purchase orders. |
2024-09-19 | Rapport ODC DDC V2.0.xlsm |
Essentials Advanced Enterprise |
Earned Value |
Tool for estimating and comparing project progress and cost against planned progress over time. |
2024-05-16 | Valeur Acquise - Earned Value V1.0.xlsm |
Advanced Enterprise |
Framework contracts overview |
This report tracks costs related to framework contracts. |
2024-11-27 | Suivi des contrats-cadres - Framework contract overview V1.0.xlsm |
Advanced Enterprise |
Multi-Project Dashboard |
Consolidates financial and contractual information as well as project schedule elements associated with a master project |
2024-11-06 | Tableau de bord Multi-projets V2.0.xlsm |
Advanced Enterprise |
Payment Cerificate with Invoice |
Extracts details of payment requests or invoices associated with a purchase order. |
2024-10-29 | Payment certificate with invoices V2.0.xlsm |
Essentials Advanced Enterprise |
Project or Portfolio Performance Tracking |
Evolution of project performance over time (Budget, Schedule and Effort) |
2024-12-05 | Project performance trackingV1.0.xlsm |
Advanced Enterprise |
Purchase Order Balance with Taxes |
Summary of purchase order status, for one or more projects, showing committed and actual amounts and associated contractual changes. |
2024-11-13 | Purchase order balance with taxes V4.0.xlms |
Essentials Advanced Enterprise |
Risk Register and Monitoring |
Generates a list of risks associated with one or more projects, along with various analysis metrics. |
2023-11-28 | Registre et suivi des risques V2.0.xlsm |
Advanced Enterprise |
Submission Form |
File generated from Aidi for sharing with suppliers. The suppliers can submit their detailed price through this file. |
2024-07-29 | Submission form (EN) V3.0.0.xlsm |
Advanced Enterprise |
**When opening a report produced by Aidi, you need to unlock the macro; please refer to the documentation on this subject **. |
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